Love Letter to the Appalachian Trail

Back in January the Appalachian Trail Conservancy opened a call for people to submit a writing piece about their love for the Appalachian Trail. I submitted the following piece and they selected it to feature on their website, newsletter, and social media. You can see it on their website here—

Memories of you fade into dreams.

The sunsets in Shenandoah,

the enchanted forests of Vermont,

I even miss the foggy mountaintops of Tennessee.

I want to be surrounded once more by

rhododendron so thick I have to bend over to pass through.

I yearn to sink back into the absolute wilderness of Maine,

alone among ancient peaks.

I need to remember how moving slowly over rocks and rivers,

through fields and valleys, across ever-changing horizons,

offers perspectives otherwise blurred.

Regardless of distance

I am forever pulled toward the green tunnel.

The endless ridge-lines draw me closer

until I set foot on trail

and feel at home once again.

            Thank you for always being there.

Whether for escapement, challenge, or reconnection

I know I can always return.

You welcome me with wide indifferent arms

and hold space for my thoughts and tears.

I know myself as a reflection of you.

Together as part of, not separate from,

connection can heal,

connection can break open our hearts

from which gratitude and hope emerges.

            I wish for others the opportunities to witness and grow along your path.   


You bring people together

in ways that still surprise me,

no matter how much time has passed.

I cherish the deep bonds that are formed over a shared experience

and relish in the magic made when laughter turns to song.

            Thank you for providing me with such amazing friends and love.


I am grateful to be part of your history,

as well as your future.