New BookTube Channel

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The idea to start a new YouTube channel focusing on book reviews came to me a couple months ago. I already write up short reviews on my Currently Reading page and I thought why not make some videos. I’m always trying to think of new video ideas since I am trying to grow my YouTube channel, and since I’m a big reader and aspiring writer I thought that would be a great idea. But I wanted my SaraTideWalker channel to still be about adventure travel and everything else so I figured I would start a new channel solely focused on books.

Then I started researching and stumbled upon BookTube. I had never heard of it before, and in my defense I just recently (this past year) started spending more time on YouTube so it’s not something I had come across before. But I should have known cause YouTube has anything and everything you could ever think of and what you’ve never thought of like the reaction videos of guys watching music videos-yes and they have hundreds of thousands of followers. The internet is a crazy place.

So I started a channel called Currently Reading. It’s that simple! I will post videos talking about the books I read and in the future I’ll do book hauls and more. So please go check it out and support me by subscribing to my channel. Thanks!